Thursday, January 31, 2008

The Quest!

Sometimes I have in my mind that looking for the perfect this or that is going to be easy, a piece of cake. After all, I'm not terribly picky in most areas, and I like to think I'm pretty easy going. (Hence the reason I still live in MA and haven't ditched Zack to finish out school on his own while I bask in the heat somewhere else!) But I have been on a quest for sometime for 2 things:
1. A new purse/baby bag. The bag I am now carrying is ugly and well ugly. I switched to this bag because I didn't need the huge diaper bag anymore now that Oliver is older, I just needed a bag for my mom size wallet, diaper, wipes, sippy cup, snacks, and a few toys. That sounds like a lot, but really the bag I have now regular purse size and usually it all fits. Anyway, it seems like it would be rather easy seeing as there are so many purses and bags out there. I have only a few criteria, but apparently they are the wrong criteria to snag me that perfect bag. My criteria are as follows: I just has to be big enough for the necessities, but not too big. And the second is that it must have a shoulder strap, meaning it has to go across my body- shoulder to opposite hip. This is because I don't want to have to hold it, place it in the cart where someone could easily steal it while I'm chasing down Oliver at the store, or be trying to keep the straps on my shoulder with it in my armpit (I already have a baby hanging on me, I don't need some foreign object in my arm pit) while looking at things all the while usually carrying an 18 month old. I also like the side bag because I can put in and get things out more easily. Oh, and it can't cost me an arm and a leg, we starving students after all. But apparently I am a dreamer. This bad doesn't exsist. Mostly I think the side strap thing is what is killing it. They aren't that popular I guess. But I have been looking for months now. Nothing. And this may be shocking, but I have only bought one purse in my entire life, and I like it, I still have it, but this......this is wearing me down. If this is what purse shopping is all about, count me out! I've seen a few ugly things, but I already have that. Anyway, if someone has a suggestion, please let me know.
Which brings me to quest #2:
The White Collared Shirt: Again, it seems like such a basic item, but I cannot find the right one. I just want a plain white button down collared shirt. My requirements are that it is some sort of cotton blend and that the material isn't see through as often white things are, and that you don't touch it and it instantly wrinkles. I can't find one. It's crazy. They are all either too see through, have crazy pockets in strange places, wrinkly, or they have a million pleats that I would have to iron endlessly.

I guess my question is, What has the world come to? I guess my quest continues.


Megan Nordstrom said...

Hey Shannon,
I hear you! I don't think I can help on the shirt. But a friend in my ward made a really cute shoulder strap bag. I know someone has the pattern if you want me to I can get it and send a picture to see if it may suit you. If you don't sew, you could pick out material and send it to me and I would make it for you. I have been wanting to try one, and haven't so this would be the perfect reason. Just a thought. In any case, I wish you luck!

Sarah said...

ONE PURSE IN YOUR ENTIRE LIFE??? WHAT??? Are you serious? Wow! I buy a new one like once a month! Ok I'm not that bad, but I'm obsessed with bags (not really "purses" I do have a baby, but I LOVE bags!) I used a large purse for awhile (trying to be trendy) but it started to break, so I got a new one. This one is smaller, and I love it. But it doesn't have a shoulder strap, so it wouldn't fit your criteria! Sorry!

And I'm with you on the shirt- I've been looking for one too! Only, my problem is that it won't button in front b/c of my large chest area. The only ones that will button are 2X and I'm not buying that! And even if I did, it may button, but it looks ridiculousy huge everywhere else. (sigh) I actually found one that I liked but it was SO see-through that I decided against it. And it was short sleeved. :(

How is it possible with all the bags and shirts out there that there can't be one thats "just right?" Everyone else seems to find them....