Thursday, January 24, 2008

An Interesting Book

This is an interesting book that I just finished reading. Any parent with a small child should read this book. Actually I think it would be interesting even if you don't have children. It talks about all the marketing ploys that go into children's products and toys. The author explores the "research" that goes into major companies that are marketing "educational" toys, videos, and t.v. programs. It's really interesting, and really sad how much we buy into all the gimiks that are in fact not educational at all, but just putting money in someone's pockets and possibly even stunting learning instead of encouraging it. Anyway, it was a good read. But you don't have to take my word for it!!


chloe said...

Ah...the beauty of marketing! I can't wait. Ha ha ha.

Sarah said...

hmm! can't wait to read it! Amy just got one called the "parenting Breakthrough" through Desert. She loves it. Its all about teaching your kids how to live on their own and take care of themselves. Sounds like I'll be doing a lot of reading! :)

Kris Tina said...

You mean to tell me that "Baby Einstein" is a myth? I refuse to believe it. Refuse!

Sarah said...

I read it- it's true- very interesting! I liked it.