Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Ninja Baby

As some may have seen on Greg and Kris Tina's blog, Oliver is now an official Ninja Baby!! They brought these cute PJ's or lounge wear to Oliver from China. He looks so cute in them. And apparently he looked so cute that he muscled his way onto their blog after many failed attempts. I especially thought the one's with Greg and Oliver are super cute!


chloe said...

Seriously adorable!!!

Sarah said...

So cute! Too bad you didn't have that for Halloween! Glad Oliver finally made Greg and Kris Tina's blog!

Kris Tina said...

Wow - I had no idea that Oliver was trying so hard to make the blog - thank goodness he tried on those pajamas - it put him over the top. Now all he needs to do is start working on that karate kick of his . . . sweep the leg.

Zack said...

kris tina-of course Oliver was trying so hard to make it on your blog--you've got amazing circulation and you test well on the 18-24 demographic. He's done his homework!