Friday, June 15, 2007

Oliver Can SLEEP!!!

Miracle of miracles, the boy can sleep! So this picture is not of Oliver sleeping, but he is near his crib, where the sleeping (thank heavens) finally occurs!! Yes our lovely little 10 month old has actually sleep through the night 3 or 4 times in the past week! The joy it brings, the sleep it allows, the sanity it revives!!! I guess to appreciate this more you have to realize that our child has been a horrible sleeper since day 2 (I'll give him a grace day, being born is a little traumatic). He never wanted to sleep and especially never wanted to sleep in his crib, or anywhere besides someone's arms for that matter. So for 6 LONG months, 6 months-- I basically slept sitting up in bed while holding Oliver as he slept. Sound crazy? It was. But the choice was either hold him, or have a baby awake in the middle of the night, and trust us, there is nothing good on TV at 3am- we know. Then at 6 months we decided enough was enough, I was spent and not just a little depressed. So we decided to let him cry, in his crib. That worked, and after a month or so and we were so excited/happy that he was sleeping in his crib. Okay, so he still woke up every 2 hours and needed to be rocked back to sleep, but hey at least I didn't have to hold him while he slept! Then we let him cry a little more and he was down to waking up every 4 hours. My body almost didn't even know what to do with 4 hours of solid sleep. Then in the last month or so we got him down to one waking a night, midway through and then suddenly one night I heard him cry and I looked at the clock thinking it was 1 am or so and it was 6 am! What? So we have had a few more nights like that and it is amazing!! Then all the sudden he was sleeping in his crib for naps during the day! What? (Before we had to hold him, then move him to the bed and lay next to him for the duration of the nap.) And he's been sleeping ever since!! He still isn't sleeping all through the night every night, but we'll take what we can get!!! Sleep is amazing, a cherished friend!! I literally thought I may never sleep normally again, but the past 2 weeks has given me hope! Thank you Oliver! I hope he's enjoying it as much as we are!


Kris Tina said...

I hear another thing that works is to put some benadryl in his bottle. Just a thought.

Jenn said...

YAY! Not only am I very excited that you guys have a blog (I'll be adding a link on my site to yours if you don't mind), but thrilled to hear you have joined the land of the sleeping. It is a good thing! Kate sleeps 10+ hours every night, but I still go to bed around 2am and only get like 6 or 7. I know, I'm stupid. Anyway, congratulations!

Jenn said...

Sorry--you're probably thinking "6 or 7 hours?!" I just realized that was a dumb comment. You'll be there soon enough, too.

chloe said...

So, married with children just doesn't sound all that appealing. Thanks for making me feel better about my single status!

chloe said...

Oh...and I love the benadryl idea. Don't wait for your kid to experiment wtih drugs on his own...just hook him yourself. Ha ha ha!