Friday, August 10, 2007

That Bad?

Yesterday morning I looked out the window and what did I see? It wasn't popcorn popping on the apricot tree! It was someone in a reflector vest picking up trash for me! Shocking at first, but after I thought, "Alright!" You know how sometimes they have prisoners pick up trash along the highways and around town. We use to see them all the time in Georgia picking up trash and litter making things look better. Well apparently our neighborhood is that GROSS. It's pretty bad when the city has to bring people into residential areas to pick up trash. Luckily it was not actually prisoners, (don't worry Lee) it looked like a bunch of juvy teenagers probably working off community service hours, but still. I have to admit there was a lot of trash on the streets and the road sides by us and it does look a lot better (although sadly they probably only got half of it out there.) I had been thinking I could invest in one of those trash grabbers (stick thing with the claw on the end) so that while I was out letting Oliver walk around outside I could pick up some trash as we went, but hey I guess now I don't have to! It's the little things that count. So I guess I should say a big "Thank You" to those boys. Wow, Worcester is getting better already.


chloe said...

Okay...I don't want you to be stuck in crazy town, but I have a feeling it is fodder for excellent posts. Hilarious!

Captain Lee "Tiberius" Wade said...

Show us the pictures of the trash, not the people, but the refuse/rubbish actually on the street. heheh

Captain Lee "Tiberius" Wade said...

Sorry, I posted under the emissary name, Shannon!

Zack, Shannon and Oliver said...

I'll try and get some pics up soon. We were having a problem hooking up our internet to the desk top before and our photo stuff wasn't on Zack's laptop. So I'm working on down loading a bucket load of pics tonight.

Cristin said...

So, it's either prisoners/juvenile delinquents picking up trash for you OR KKK marches in Georgia. Life sounds exciting.

Sarah said...

I have no comment. I want to make one, I'm just not sure what to say.... of course- it is early in the morning. Maybe something will come soon....

Jenn said...

Oh no! It sounds like our nightmare living adventure in Houston. Are there bars on all the gas station windows? Hear any rats running around in the walls? That was always a sweet bedtime treat. Looking forward to pictures. Hope you can find a new place soon!