Friday, April 4, 2008

Time to De-Robe

The robe is off!! Finally the weather has taken a steady turn to the warmer side and rested in the 40's during the day! For the past 5 or 6 months I have been wearing a robe basically all day. It's kind of a sad state of affairs when your house is so cold that you have to wear a robe all day. Sometimes it was worn with my pajamas, and sometimes it was worn over my wool sweaters, but it was a constant by my side. Now for the past 2 or 3 days, it has hung on it's hook in the bathroom!! It feels great! Not that I don't love my soft and comfy robe, but after a while it gets kind of bulky and you just wish you didn't need it. Well the time has come! See you next winter friend!


Sarah said...

Yeah! Although how come we didn't see a pic of you in your robe?? haha

Greg said...

This past weekend we had two days in the low 70s/high 60s. We didn't even know what to do with ourselves. The Friday before it snowed. So I feel you on the warming. Sure, there is a chance of snow this week again, but at least we tasted Spring.

Don&Stacy&Boys said...

Hey Zack and Shannon,

This is Stacy. I used to live in Zack's ward back in Provo and was down in Utah visiting this last week and ran into Candyce in the grocery store and she said to come visit. When we were there she told me you guys do the blogging thing and that I should write and tell you about mine too. If you want to look at it, it's . Congrats on graduating by the way Zack and congrats to you both on your little son. He is adorable. Take care, Stacy

KT said...

You two have got to be the most brave people in the world :) If you need a true break, you could always do a road trip here! If you want to brave the large oversized bugs, and mosquitos. Cold weather does have a few advantages :)
Hope you have a better spring than winter!