Monday, May 5, 2008

The house of sickies

It's been awhile since I've posted anything because Oliver and I have been sick this last week and I just haven't felt like doing much of anything. And Zack has been busy with this insanely long stats final and has been gone all week working on that. So I thought this story sort of summed up our week:

Oliver woke up one night coughing and crying and since I was on my death bed, Zack got up and was trying to rock him back to sleep. He kept coughing and then throw up all over Zack, I mean he really got him. So the next day he is telling the guys at school about it and how gross it was and then he said, "I even found throw up in my belly button when I took a shower this morning!" They were of course thoroughly disgusted. But I thought it was really funny. Anyway, that's about the high and low of our past week, hopefully this week will get us back on our game!

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Oh man! That is SO nasty! I hope everything is all the way better. Yuck.