Friday, January 17, 2014

Brrrr....freezing in Holland

 Last Saturday we went to the town of Holland to check out an ice-sculpture contest they were having in their downtown area.  We thought that sounded kind of cool, so we bundled up, packed the kids in the car and headed out.  Some of the sculptures had been done the day before, so they were a little melty, but some were still being created which was fun to see.
 That being said, it was seriously COLD out there.  I mean cold.  The wind was whipping up and it was chilly.
 So as cool as the sculptures were, it was sort of a peek and dash situation.  There was no lingering longer to watch.
 It was suppose to be a little warmer that day, but it sure didn't feel like it when we were out.  But it was fun to get out and stretch our legs a little and see something different.  And of course the kids were rewarded by stopping at the toy store there!  Leave no toy store left unexplored is there motto!
 But we also went out to see Lake Michigan.  We had been told that the lakes look neat when it's winter too.  So we drove out there to see. And it was really interesting and beautiful.
 All the ice and snow mixed with the sand was really cool. It was kind of like being in the arctic (not really) with all the ice chunks in the water. 
We even saw some people out ice fishing on one of the inlets that was completely frozen over.  That was fun. The kids got out for a minute, but quickly did an about face when they realized how cold it was with the wind.  ha, ha. 

*I just have to add this story because I want to remember it along with this day.  While we were driving out to the lake, a song came on the ipod and Zack said, "when I hear this song and drive through the snowy forest like this it makes me want to rock out in a sleigh!" 
Me:  "What?"
Zack: "You know, it's just like a really good sledding rock song!"
At this point I was busting up laughing so hard.  Even as I type this, I'm laughing to myself.
Me:  "Ummm.....I didn't know there was such a thing as wanting to rock out while riding a sleigh."
Zack: " Oh yeah,  don't you ever just get that feeling.  I think I'm going to make a new genre of music, Sleigh Rock.  Get a band together and make some songs.  The first album can be called "Sleigher" get it?  Ha Ha Ha Ha"
Me:  "Oh my gosh, you are so strange.  Never have I heard of someone wanting to rock out on a sleigh.
I seriously laughed my head off for a good 10 minutes.  I couldn't stop.  It was so ridiculous!  Oh how I love that strange man of mine!!  ha, ha ha


Sarah said...

niiiceeee..... sleigh rock- you guys need to move to music city (aka Nashville, aka HERE) and start promoting that!!

Ok, cool ice sculptures, but the cold would have sent me back home. And Lee wouldn't have gotten out of the car. haha. And before you call us chickens while yes, your weather is colder- it was 3 last week here. THREE! That is too cold for us southerners!!

Zack, Shannon and Oliver said...

3 is pretty cold! Yeah, we have been super cold here as well with all the arctic winds. sometimes the wind chills are like -24. YIKES!! But people have told us that it's an unusual year. But my parents have said how cold it's been in GA too! they weren't expecting that. We would love to move by you! Maybe next move! ha, ha.