I went to the Dr. yesterday and I am 2.5 cm dilated, 80% thinned out and I'm 100% uncomfortable, and 110% sick of being pregnant! (Zack is now rolling his eyes, he doesn't believe in 110%, for him it ends at 100%. So sorry to all of you that think you gave 110% in your running, job assignment, church calling......Zack just doesn't believe you!) But in this case I think there is exception, I think the last week or so of pregnancy you deserve to say that you are 100+ whatever done being pregnant. In my opinion it's what has to happen in order for you to actually be okay with labor and delivery. You get to the point that you are SO sick of it that you don't care, you just want to get it OUT!
I have been thinking a lot the last couple of days about how crummy pregnancy is. I'm tired, I'm huge, I'm uncomfortable, I can barely bend over. I just feel like an old lady. I crack and creak and pant going up stairs or heck even walking on flat surfaces. I have to make a 20 point turn to roll over in bed at night. It takes me about 5 min. to hoist myself out of the couch. I waddle, yes, I waddle. The list could go on, I'll spare the annoying details. Let's just say, I am looking forward to baby #3 coming out just for the mere fact that I hopefully won't feel like a decrepit old grandma anymore. I can't wait to bend over and not groan or to jump up and do.....well anything.....there is not jumping up for anything at this point. It's amazing that we ladies actually consent to do this more than once! Okay, well maybe the smart ones don't. ha, ha.
But the beauty that I am hanging on to at this point is that I have a date set. I'm going in next wed. to have this baby unless it comes on it's own before then and it will be all over! Happy Day! Let the coundown begin!
Of course then I have to take care of a baby. Dang. It's not really looking like a win-win at this point. Hmmmm......anyone else realizing that this phase of life is extremely exhausting? But seriously, we are excited and more than a little bit scared to become a family of 5, but I'm sure it's all going to be great! But most importantly I will hopefully start feeling myself again!
Anyone else curious to see what this baby is going to look like? Or what his name is going to be? I know we are! Maybe he will come out with a name tag on! Wouldn't that be awesome!
And because no post would be complete without a little adorableness.....