This is a picture of Oliver with his new Batman toothbrush! The reason he got a new toothbrush was because the other night while he was in the bathtub I gave him his toothbrush so that he could brush his teeth before bed. I turned around to do something or put something away and when I looked back, he was brushing his bottom with it. (Not just the cheeks mind you, in the crack.) I immediately said, "WHAT are you doing???" Silence. I then said, "Why are you putting your toothbrush in your bum? That's gross! Toothbrushes are for you teeth not your bum." To which Oliver replied, "I was brushing my bum teeth." I then had to explain that we don't have teeth on on bums (thank goodness) and that if we stick our toothbrush in our bum then it is going to get gross and dirty. To which he cooly said, "ok" and that was that. Sigh. Where does he come up with these things? Needless to say, that toothbrush went quickly in the garbage and thus the new Batman toothbrush. I guess it could have been worse, he could have tried to wait, your bum is basically the most disgusting place you could put your toothbrush. Mission accomplished Oliver!
As for the haircut, Zack and I finally caved to just use the clippers on Oliver's hair. His hair is so wild with callicks and it grows so darn fast that it's annoying to have to keep paying for haircuts and I haven't been able to keep up with it since being pregnant and now with a new baby and often when we were out somewhere I would look over at our adorable son and think, "man he looks kind of crazy." So we gave in and finally gave Oliver the haircut that basically ever toddler boy is sporting, the buzz, in order to avoid having our child look like a total ragga-muffin. So for better or worse there you have it. It may be a little uneven since he was screaming the entire time and I was just trying to hurry, but oh well, it's better than it was!
*Update: I wrote this post awhile ago and never got to putting it on, so now Oliver's hair is sort of grown out in the picture. Time for another cut!
Lol, thanks for the laugh, Shannon! That is classic.
Duh, bum teeth totally need brushing. You should have kept the old one just for that purpose. I like the haircut! Nice work.
Any Halloween pics?
Too funny!!!
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