So today is our 5 year wedding anniversary!! 5 YEARS!! It's crazy that we have been married so long and yet so short a time! Some days it seems like we were never not married, and some days it feels like yesterday when we were dating and getting ready to be married. It's so much fun to be married to your best friend who is a dreamy tall dark and handsome chap. The other night we were reminiscing about our first date. We went to the Chihuli art exhibit that was going on during and after the Olympics in SLC. I remember thinking to myself, "I wish he would hold my hand." It was a fantastic date which also included my first "Mr. Freeze." (Basically a root beer float, but blended up, so delicious.) So I thought, being our anniversary and all, I would tell some fast facts about Zack and Shannon:
1) We both love cats. The first time we talked about cats, we realized that we both had a cat named Pepe. How strange, destiny? I think so. To bad his Pepe was super cute and loved to crawl all over you with purrs and kisses, while our Pepe hated us and hid under the bed all the time or we might have gotten them together!!
2)Both of our favorite Author is Thomas Hardy. Although we now read very different books, Zack reads mostly psychology stuff out of necessity, and I read whatever people recommend me, but we always have a place for Mr. Hardy in our hearts.
3)We both love to eat! Particularly ice cream. (Okay I love just about anything as long as it's food, and big plus if it involves sugar or bread.) Zack L-O-V-E-S ice cream. I think he could eat it twice a day and still want more. I have always liked ice cream, but not to this degree. However since our marriage, his influence has been to my ice cream demise.
4)While on a food note, I like to cook, and Zack likes to eat what I cook. It's a good partnership.
5)We love music. We like to hear it, talk about it, and look for it. I think if we were stranded on a desert island and could have one thing, it would be our ipod (with endless battery supply of course.) We like to make up songs about our cat, Oliver, each other. We like to dance in our kitchen to it, etc.....
Anyway, those a just a few of the things that we enjoy together and what makes us a working team. I LOVE YOU ZACK!! Let's shoot for 5 more!
*The photo is old, but fits the occassion!
FIRST, congrats...happy anniversary!
......THIRD, THIS LINK IS FOR ZACK will be 85 degrees there all week long. Come join us this Summer....
I always remember it because it's my niece's birthday and she is the same age as your married life. Yay!
Thanks Shan! What a nice tribute to an amazing (and modest) couple! I don't want to get too weepy and sentimental (since this seems to be taboo in the blogosphere), but life is good when you're married to such a wonderful person. Seriously, WONDERFUL! As a country-pop singer (oh, and Barry Manilow) once crooned so eloquently, "Looks like we made it..." Five more? Yeah, let's do it!
Thanks Lee and Chloe! And Lee--thanks for the links. I'm sending the faculty one along to my adviser!
well, happy anniversary. i'll take a moment to pay tribute to zack and shan.
one of my favorite memories: that horrible double date we went on where my date said your car reeked. so awesome.
one of the things that impressed me the most: i was the lucky (unattached) roommate who got to throw bridal showers for all of my engaged roomies. we played that game where i asked each of you questions about the other. (in fact, i still have your responses in a notebook i am currently using...strange). well, shannon and zack knew pretty much EVERYTHING about each other...even these random tidbits like what did zack listen to on tape while going to bed at night (legend of sleepy hollow, in case you forgot). you knew so much about each other; it was as if you actually talked to each other throughout your courtship. haha. still very impressive to me.
so cheers!
Wow--congratulations! I was just thinking how we are coming up on our fifth. Crazy! I always loved getting the inside date scoop from you at the end of the night in our locker room bathroom. You guys are great.
Awh! Congrats you two! Lee and I are VERY happy that you got together! Don't know what we'd do without ya!!
Congrats you two! Five years, It feels like it was more recent, wow!
thank you for controlling the sap, zack... phew, that was close!
congrats you two! five years flew by fast, wouldn't you say? now get your butts back to the western hemisphere (or west coast, whatever works) asap!
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Thanks for the memories Lindsay! In case you were wondering, I still vacuum B.O. into my car! Who needs the scent of pine when you can have the aroma of dirty sneakers?!
Congrats you two! I can't believe it's been 5 years since we were all taking pictures out in the cold March air at the temple. Brrr. You two really are great together. Keep up the good work!
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