So today is our 5 year wedding anniversary!! 5 YEARS!! It's crazy that we have been married so long and yet so short a time! Some days it seems like we were never not married, and some days it feels like yesterday when we were dating and getting ready to be married. It's so much fun to be married to your best friend who is a dreamy tall dark and handsome chap. The other night we were reminiscing about our first date. We went to the Chihuli art exhibit that was going on during and after the Olympics in SLC. I remember thinking to myself, "I wish he would hold my hand." It was a fantastic date which also included my first "Mr. Freeze." (Basically a root beer float, but blended up, so delicious.) So I thought, being our anniversary and all, I would tell some fast facts about Zack and Shannon:
1) We both love cats. The first time we talked about cats, we realized that we both had a cat named Pepe. How strange, destiny? I think so. To bad his Pepe was super cute and loved to crawl all over you with purrs and kisses, while our Pepe hated us and hid under the bed all the time or we might have gotten them together!!
2)Both of our favorite Author is Thomas Hardy. Although we now read very different books, Zack reads mostly psychology stuff out of necessity, and I read whatever people recommend me, but we always have a place for Mr. Hardy in our hearts.
3)We both love to eat! Particularly ice cream. (Okay I love just about anything as long as it's food, and big plus if it involves sugar or bread.) Zack L-O-V-E-S ice cream. I think he could eat it twice a day and still want more. I have always liked ice cream, but not to this degree. However since our marriage, his influence has been to my ice cream demise.
4)While on a food note, I like to cook, and Zack likes to eat what I cook. It's a good partnership.
5)We love music. We like to hear it, talk about it, and look for it. I think if we were stranded on a desert island and could have one thing, it would be our ipod (with endless battery supply of course.) We like to make up songs about our cat, Oliver, each other. We like to dance in our kitchen to it, etc.....
Anyway, those a just a few of the things that we enjoy together and what makes us a working team. I LOVE YOU ZACK!! Let's shoot for 5 more!
*The photo is old, but fits the occassion!